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Dragon Zone Enrichment Club

Thank you for your interest in our enrichment club!

We are currently taking names for our waiting list

Click "enroll" to join our waiting list - enrollment is based on available staff.  

You will be notified when a spot is available

The breakfast club is before school, 7:00 to 7:45

Staff will provide enriching activities & breakfast (cost $5.00 per hour - paid per minute)

The after-school enrichment club is 2:40-5:00

Staff will provide enriching activities (cost $5.00 per hour - paid per minute)

Drop In Policy-  Parents are responsible for changing child's contract to add drop in times and dates, the drop in rates are as follows:  Morning Drop In- $10.00  Afternoon Drop In $15.00 flat rate.

Invoices will be created after attending (i.e. Dec 1-31 will be invoiced & due Jan 15)

Note: The enrichment club will only include school days

No club on "no school days" 

Enrichment club will be canceled for school closing, distant learning model, snow days, & teacher workshop days.  In the event of an early closing due to weather- we WILL still have after care, however- we encourage families to pick up as soon as possible to allow staff to get home safely.

Dragon Zone Enrichment Club Logo
Contact Info
700 6th Ave SW
Pine City, MN 55063